Our Ethos Committee consists only of P7 pupils and they hope to meet at least once per month. They have a special role in ensuring that our very Special Catholic Ethos is shared with everyone in our school. Mrs Martin is in charge of the Ethos Committee.
This year the Ethos Committee plan to
Our School Council want to make our school a special space where everyone feels valued. To do this they will...
Mr Small is the teacher in charge of School Council and he will help them in all their work and activities.
Our digital leaders were selected because they have a special interest and talents in ICT. Mrs Johnston is the teacher in charge of the digital leaders. There are two children in every class from P3-7 on our digital leader team. This year they plan to..
Our Eco Council are a group of pupils who plan to meet regularly to discuss eco friendly and environmental issues within school. They will help to prepare all our children to live their future lives with consideration for global issues.
There are two or three children from each class from P3-7 on the Eco Team. Mrs O'Neill is the teacher in charge of the Eco Council. This year the Eco council plan to…